People chase beauties in their life. But they fail to realise external beauty fades faster.
Inner beauty is the specality gifted to human.What is inner beauty, how to develop it?
Inner beauty means the divine qualities gifted to us.
We are all souls and we have divine qualities like peace, happiness, love etc.
The more we use they develop, as you give to others means you are sowing the seeds of quality in others. Nurture. It will grow faster.
We lost our identity as souls. Self realisation means realise you in the form of soulWhat is inner beauty, how to develop it?
Inner beauty is having a good soul deep inside you, a kind spirit, a happy feeling and a sound mind.
It emanates from the deepest recesses of your heart reaching out to others to share the joy it feels. It is the self that is so completely attuned with others that it's just so impossible to hide from it. Inner beauty is the strength, the courage to win over many obstacles, to get-up each time you fall, and to help others.
One may understand inner beauty as a conscious awareness, demonstrated by a life of loving kindness and compassion towards all esle in the realization of the interdependence of all existance.
Such is usually humble and gentle even though the one possessing such may be very large and very strong in a physical sense.
One see those other ones whom other ones are innately and immediately attracted to and feel comfortable with. Children approach them with smiles and no fear. Those unknown to them will speak with them as though they are long lost and dear family members who have suddenly returned.
They are the ones who, wordlessly and effortelssly, bless all others with a smile that does not judge, nor condemn.
They do not seek material gain nor emotional power over others. They do not cling to their desires and are, often, free from the same.
When they inquire as how you are, one knows that they truly mean what they are asking and truly care about the other.
All sentient beings have the ability to be such and to express the same. Many seem to do it as a part of their very nature.
To develop this quality, seek to calm the many thoughts that come and go so a to be enabled to see what is for what it truly is rather than for what one may have been taught to see. This includes seeing ones self in such a manner.
Realizing the oneness of all that exist, one treats all other ones as one treats ones self seeing all other ones as simply ';another self';.
To do this, let go of ones desires and attachments to that which is, by its physical nature, impermanent, transitory and constantly changing and understand that which has permenance seeing it in all as the true reality of the same.
Be well.
Personally, I don't think you need to develop it. I feel it's something everyone has, whether people realize it or not. We are all beautiful in different ways, due to different qualities and different reasons, whether it's kindness or confidence or whatsoever. It differs between everyone of us.
All this is very good what you write, but do you believe in what you write here? If so then do you live it out too??
That's just another bit of guts you need.
I shall tell you my story just to tell you the harsh side of this line of living about inner beauty and all of that.
From my small time onwards I was quite insignificant in my home, least to say my school or even my neighbourhood.Not that I cared for some notice, but that I even existed was something I had to think hard and resolve it in my small mind.
Identity crisis came very early in my life, so I had to resolve that too with steel detremination to stride on the track of LIFE that had been laid down before me.Never attempted to change my path but yes I tried to bring changes and reforms in my own life so to finish the race well.
Quickly I had to grasp at a very early and tender age that life is harsh so to know one's plus and minus points was very, very, important to me.
Then I ran on and then there was a stop on the way, I mean , I stumbled on life's more serious questions.
Well, where am I getting to over here? Just wanted to make one point clear, I am no beauty and no figure for a ramp show, so what I am, I had to work deligently to the goal that I had set before me, which also was achieveable.
Next, does that mean the beautiful faces are not to be appreciated? Nope! not according to me. Handsome and beautiful faces are to be admired and appreciated well indeed, but to covet, ah! the word is covet!!! that is BAD!!!
What I have you may not have and what you have I may not have, and I think it is best left at that point. To drag means I am convincing people about my point and that is not my intention, at least here.
So, my suggestion is that we all work well if we compliment one another and learn to appreciate one another.
I think I shall end with one word, let's be modest for once. Give it a try, at least the world would be a better place to breathe atleast freely.Free from that cut throat competition and envy and jealousy which destroys one self and others along the way.
Inner beauty is happiness.
To develop inner beauty, think positive and develop a great sense of humor so that you can happy thoughts.
Let your happiness shown on your face at all times.
People will be attracted to you.
Inner beauty comes from within.We can have this by being happy by what we have.And how to face things in a positive way.By also helping others in our own little way. How to also deal with the people around us.This is the most important of inner beauty.
Inner beauty is confidence in yourself and kindness to other people.
You develop it by loving yourself and extending that love to others. You can also develop it by being loved.
Just keep those negative emotions under check....
Anger, hatred, jealousy, fear....
Inner beauty knows how to spread its irresistible fragrance all over the place. Then it will be really difficult to remain inconspicuous!
Enquire within.
Who am I?鈥?/a>
You can not develop inner beauty,it is already there for you to perceive with the mind which is empty of its contents.
inner beauty means character.
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