Why, wich of them will be usefull in what situations or contexts?
What of them you do work with and why?What is more important in life, beauty, personality or appereance?
In the long run, personality. Although the world views you on face value (beauty and appearance) it's your personality that will get you the farthest. I have seriously beautiful friends....most of whom have issues. WHY??? Because no one takes them seriously...they can't see past the pretty face, great body. You personality, the drive to succeed, the ability to fit into any environment, these are your best qualities.What is more important in life, beauty, personality or appereance?
personality is certainly more important than the beauty, but then both of them make up for each other... and it doesn't really matter.
'beauty' is beautiful only in pictures.. but when it comes to real life.. personality takes over!
u may hv a lot of marriage proposals if u're beautiful.. but your personality takes u up in ur career n makes ur life better!
..and we all know.. both of them certainly make the best combination.
It depends on your gender, if you are female beauty and appeareance are very important, because men are very visual. If you are a man, personality is the most important trait, followed by appearance and finally beauty.
Personality will last forever. Beauty fades. Worry about how you treat others because no matter how beautiful you are, you will not be loved for that-you will be loved for who you are and who you have been.
I think it's a mix of everything. I wish I could say personality is all that matters, but my experience is that if you don't have anything going for you in the looks department at all, people will treat you less respectfully, and guys won't hit up on you. It's a natural thing that we're drawn to beauty, but a great personality can make up for a lack in good looks. For me, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if I really like somebody, I suddenly find them beautiful, no matter what I thought when I first met them. I think guys can be manipulated by beauty more than women.
Personality, because it makes up for any thing else lacking.
Personality. You can be the most beautiful and attractive person, but if you have an ugly personality, then it makes the outside ugly.
I say ALL
Personality. You can improve the others more easily. Your personality is very hard to change.
The only reason I say appearance, is because this is what everyone goes by. It's their first impression of you. Guys approach you because of your appearance, jobs hire you because of your appearance (along with your skills and qualifications), the way you look should determine what kind of person you are although it always doesn't. That is why my appearance is so important, plus you never know who you are going to meet, who ultimately is going to get their first impression of you thru your appearance.
I agree with bug927, I'm very good looking and guys only what me for my beauty/good looks, which sucks cas they only want a pretty face for a second then get disinterested in me and move on to the girl with a better personality. That it makes me wanna cry, i mean i can't excatly change that, its just me, Who i am.
I'd say personality will get you where you want to be.
my life and health is more important than anything else appereance is next , how I represent myself, beauty is only skin deep, my husband thought I looked good to marry me, and everybody has a different personality. everybody has their own way of thinking.=)
i agree with the first person to answer.
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