Monday, November 21, 2011

What does a model get paid to be at a Beauty Trade Show?

To work at a Beauty trade show to modeling a product. How much per hour does this job pay?What does a model get paid to be at a Beauty Trade Show?
In most cases, the model's agent works out a set fee with the company or person hiring the model. The fee is usually dependent upon the nature of the show, the duration of the show, and the model's role (is she demonstrating a product or just ';looking pretty).

If you are modeling during a show, you may want to take along head shots of yourself in the event that you are approached by others inquiring of your modeling services. You'll want to direct them to your agent, of course, so you may want to pass out his/her business card, too.

You may also be able to finagle a few extra free tickets to the show for your friends. It never hurts to ask.

Good luck.What does a model get paid to be at a Beauty Trade Show?
There is no set rate. It depends how big the trade show is, where the location of the show is, what agency she is booked through. Honestly she could get paid from a little to a lot. There is no set standard.

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