Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Explain to me why beauty is not important?

Why do people say looks do not matter yet when someone walks in that is good-looking most people are ready to please them and pay a good amount of attention to them?

I've noticed people go out their way to be nice to people who are pretty and naturally pamper pretty people.Explain to me why beauty is not important?
Beauty doesn't last outwardly, and people get sadder at their reflection unless they have someone in their life who truly makes them feel like the most gorgeous woman alive. My boy-friend wouldn't trade me for Mariah Carey, even though I gave him permission for one night. I never felt pretty before him, and no man believed I really was. Once you find love, you'll be beautiful, just like in Fairy Tales. Not all pics are perfect of me or anyone, but that doesn't bother me because I'm in love, but more importantly, I am loved.Explain to me why beauty is not important?
Whoever said that beauty is not important?

I always find it strange that many of the people who make the arguement that human beauty is not important are the same ones who have no compunction about surrounding themselves and their environment with items they unabashedly claim are 'beautiful'. Thus, the desire to be surrounded by items and environments and people that one finds pleasing is actually healthy.

Of course, not everything in this world (or the next, if you so believe in it) can be beautiful for then beauty would have no meaning or distinction. Thus, ideas about what is or isn't beautiful take on not only personal but broader social and cultural definitions. Obviously, what one person finds beautiful cannot be thought of as being the only such taste in existence. A person who find sunsets beautiful, for example, can reasonably assume that they are not the only person to thus feel that way. Thus, finding something beautiful that others find beautiful not only reinforces one's own sense of self (and one's own sense of beauty) but also helps to identify them as a member of a certain social group. And it is this social definition of beauty that, in turn, helps to define social standards within that group. Think about the differences in attire. Those who find a three piece-suit attractive will identify and consider themselves different from people who find a t-shirt and jeans attractive.

Physical appearance is also a part of this social identity. What one considers attractive has as many social implications as it does personal. Thus, many people are attracted to 'beautiful' people not only because of the way they look but because of their social status. Conversely, social/financial status can even be a way of making onself appear more attractive than they (or others) might otherwise consider themselves (think Bill Gates.) Being blinded to beauty can take many forms, not all of them physical or genetic.

Beauty, thus, is a taste, and like all tastes (physical, psychological, social,) they collectively serve as a compass to help guide oneself to where happiness lay. If you did not know what tasted delicious and what tasted terrible, how much more difficult would that make your life. Beauty is no more and no less a tool. Those who make it their enemy make their lives more difficult than it should be. Those who worship unabashedly at its blossomed feet also make their lives more difficult than it need be. All things in balance, all things in moderation.
People say that looks do not matter because it is the socially acceptable thing to say and people don't like to think of themselves as being vain. Its not that people are intentionally lying, its just that many times people are unaware that their actions are incongruous with their words. In essence people honestly and unknowingly rate their behavior as being higher than it actually is.

Most people give good looking people more attention because humans are biologically programmed to do so. People who are attractive are also likelier to be in better health than people who are not. Humans are subconsciously programmed to detect certain ratios such as hip to waist ratio and body symmetry to name a few. A person with a healthy hip to waist ratio and near perfect symmetry is going to be rated as being more attractive than a person does not have these features. Studies have been conducted where pictures of peoples faces have been shown to random strangers. It showed that there was a definite link between the symmetry of the face and the attractiveness rating of the person in the picture.

As far a why people are nicer to attractive people than, well not as attractive people, at least two things could be going on. Firstly, most people would agree that being in the presents of something beautiful is more pleasurable than being in the presents of something that is not. Most normal people would rather watch a sunset than watch a dog get hit by a car. Secondly, there is likely the hope of reciprocity going on in which the person being nice is hoping that the attractive person will appreciate it and... um... return the favor if you will. If this happens then, because the good-looking people is likely to be in good health, there is a higher chance that the person being nice will be able to produce a healthy replica. (btw... since the good looking person is accustomed to being treated well, by everyone on a daily bases, this strategy is not likely to produce the intended result for the person being nice.)

I'm sure by this point that many people here will disagree with me because they don't like the idea that people could be so biologically superficial.( Its not socially acceptable to treat some people better than others based on something that is largely beyond their control) Even I don't like to think that we are so subconsciously shallow, but not wanting to accept something doesn't make it false.
I disagree. Beauty is important, if only because it makes us feel good. Most philosophers, particularly ancient ones, would agree too. There's an entire field of philosophy devoted to beauty called aesthetics.

People like to appreciate beauty, in all forms of life, not just arts, but also mathematics and science. It is an ideal which guides our actions to some extent, because it said that ';truth is beauty and beauty is truth';. However, it important not to confuse a beautiful object for beauty itself. Rich people who surround themselves with expensive paintings are actually confusing the proverbial ';finger for the moon';.
I have no idea what beauty is, and I am a person who sees people from the inside out and doesn't have a brain for superficial things, and I would say how a person dresses, grooms and LOOKS is the most inportant feature about them, so anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

On a scale of 0 to 100, with myself as the most indifferent person to beauty I have ever met, I would say it ranks a 51 to me.
The natural beauty of a person is decided by the society he or she lives in and by that I meant that that person will only be considered naturally beautiful if he/she conforms to the standards that that society put up for the idea of beauty. (the standard has been known to change from time to time)

In short, if you are equal to what the society says is beautiful (however that standard was achieved) then you are beautiful.

I think the importance of beauty in society is a spontaneous event that occurs in between two main opposing ideas, (1) that we like beauty and (2) that natural beauty is totally useless other than being beautiful. We think about those things and then we decide how important beauty is and then we act on it.

I think wanting beauty is natural to us because people want what people want and beauty is one of them. I can't explain why. Some people just offer something else other than beauty and some people actually like that.

But you don't have to accept that. Ideally people are free to shape the world, they just have trouble agreeing on what shape that is.
';What's inside matters most'; is the standard textbook answer to people asking about the importance of their appearance. The fact is, most people are not particularly attractive, and saying that beauty is unimportant is more or less supposed to make them feel better about their relatively plain appearances.

But of course, what's said has absolutely nothing to do with what actually happens. Appearance is the first thing of a person you notice, and that has a significant impact on how you interact with that person.
It is important. But more important is that each person had their own idea of beauty. What I have noticed when I hear men calling women ';beautiful'; is fake boobs, overly skinny body, super fake tanned, and tons of hair, possibly partially fake. It can all be bought and paid for. So my advice to a plain jane, is to work hard, save your money and buy beauty.
they are lying when they say it is not important. it is but it should not be the first or only requirement for a person in your life.

there is nothing wrong with being good looking but there has to be beauty on the inside too or as the outside beauty fades as it usually does the true person starts to show through. and no one likes people who are rotten on the inside.
Beauty is important. It is about natural selection. If you want to have the best chances at procreation be beautiful. It's just nature, roll with it.
I guess it's important if you want people to please you, and pay attention to you, and be nice to you, and pamper you.
define beauty first... never could everyone agree. as far as , not important ... never could everyone agree. I do see your point though.
Because beauty is not imported. It is indigenous. Natural.
4 short duration beauty off course does matter.But it is over all fine personality including apparent beauty that counts
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.
You should first tell me what you mean by 'beauty.'
because we are all beautiful

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