if the kid truely enjoys it, why not?
if its the parent trying to live vicariously though the child, THATS when it gets messed up.
the only thing i wish in both cases is that they focused more on NATURAL beauty. a 4 year old does not need a spray tan and enough hairspray to drug a horseWhat do you think of child beauty pageants?
I think they are awful. Those pageants do not judge the beauty of that child....they judge the beauty of the dress that child is wearing, and the beauty of some makeup artists work because those little girls are wearing layers and layers of heavy stage makeup. Some of them even have fake dental work to put it, to cover it up when they have lost their baby teeth. How ridiculous! Losing baby teeth is a part of growing up, and a part of that child's history, so therefore THAT is what is beautiful. Those kids are learning early that beauty is what's important. Well, I sure hope that someone is also teaching them that an education is important. Beauty doesn't last forever, but an education damn sure does.
I wouldn't personally do the beauty pageant thing with my daughter. Even when she wanted to, I just felt that it gives her the wrong ideas about what is important. I had a friend whos daughter wanted to just do it for fun, but it gets really competitive sometimes and it really didn't do her a lot of good. Now she worries more about what she looks like than school and other things. But that's just my thought on it.
i think that parents need to instill in their children that there's so much more than just what's on the outside. Also i hate to see young girls (4,5,6 and so on) being told by their mommies to do these pageants and putting on pounds of makeup, fake eyelashes, 2 piece bathing suits and parading them around and having them shake their butts. it's horrible. Teaching your children to be self confident is one thing (that's very important) but it's also scary with so many child preditors and such. i wouldn't put my child in pageants. but that's just me.
';I think there is nothing wrong with doing them as long as the mom/dad is pushing them.';
Oh, as long as they are pushing them????
Beauty pageants are wrong for young children. Sorry. Dressing them up and putting make up on, they look fake, they look like porcelain dolls.
If it is a beauty pageant, then why all the make-up? Why can't these pageants be based on NATURAL beauty? Why do you have to make a child look fake??
Sorry, but there are too many perverts and criminals out there. I don't agree putting young little girls and boys out there for them to see. Look at what happened with Jon Bennet Ramsey???
I really have mixed feelings about it. The really little girls wearing globs of makeup and getting tans and so on is a little crazy. I like the natural ones for really little girls and when the girls are old enough to decide if they like it or not probably around age 4 and then IF they want to do the more glam ones with makeup and so on I think its fine as long as they parents do not push it. Something about babies and toddlers wearing makeup though makes me think its not right.
Personally, I think its like anything else, whether it be sports, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, etc. as long as the child enjoys doing it and is having fun, then its okay. Once it becomes a chore and the fun goes away, its time to find something else.
That being said, I have a hard time not criticizing ';child beauty pageants'; that include a bathing suit portion. Honestly, what's the point? At that point its glorified child soft porn if you ask me.
I think they're very wrong on many levels.
What message are you sending your daughter? That she has to wear makeup and fake tan and wear fake teeth? That she's only as important as how beautiful she looks?
The only thing a child that age should be worrying about is playing with dolls, and making friends, and doing well in school. Putting such a big emphasis on beauty at such a young age is so damaging to a child's psyche. She'll only ever see herself as a piece of meat to be judged instead of as an intelligent human being
Pageants are a circus where you put your child on stage, and dress them in stupid dresses, and make up that makes them look like barbie dolls.
The you promote to them, that beauty is what matters, and as long as you smile, and come up with a dumb, sweet answer to a questions then your set for life.
I did child pageants and modeling as a young child
My daughter does pageants and she loves them.She was the one who asked me to be in them.They make her happy,so I dont see anything wrong with them.The day that she tells me that she wants to quit that'll be the end of it.Last year she cut herself and was depressed and pageants have raised her self-esteem so much.
well, it depends. if the child is not being forced and it's just used as something fun for the child then i don't see it as a problem. however when i see shows like 'toddlers in tiara's' on TLC then i think it's going overboard. the way they make up their kids and make them do 'tricks' that even the parents can't do.
You did ask.
I think they are horrific.
Little girls already are messed up enough in the self esteem department---but to introduce them to the world of ';pleasing'; as a life style from childhood? Awful.
When the whole Jon Bonet thing happened 16 years back, the underbelly of pageant life was briefly revealed...and i found it sickening.
The whole ';glamour and glitz'; nonsense is embarrassing, and to teach little girls to be pseudo adults is insane.
You did ask.
Never for my kids. I plan to teach them values. You know, like that looks aren't everything? And you shouldn't judge someone because of the way they look? I plan to teach my children to be kind individuals, not put them in a ';sport'; that reminds them to be vain and constantly obsessed with the way they look.
My sister was a pageant child. Not pushed into them but truly enjoyed them. It depends on what pageants a child is entering and what the focus of the child and parents are. There are many small pageants that do NOT objectize small children. We simply see far too many that do.
I think if the child is old enough to ask and truly wants to do them, it's one thing. If they are a baby or the parents are pushing them and the child doesn't want to, it's all for the parents.
As long as there isn't a swimsuit section. Something about those little ones parading around in bikinis and winking at judges, its just well, wrong.
I think they're awful. Oh....lets judge little kids on how pretty they are! Yeah, those kids won't have self-esteem issues at allll.
Personally, they make me sick.
Their a waste of time, Little kids aren't supposed to be pushed into all that pressure and stuff
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